7 Ups & 4 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Oct 13)

1. Beefy Boys Brawling

When it was announced that Madman Fulton would be facing Doc Gallows this week, there was only one real thing to expect: chaos. That's exactly what we got, as both men went at it from the ring of the bell, resulting in an initial double count out finish before things were restarted with no count outs and no disqualifications.

The match just got even better.

Had it ended there, then it would have been a rather pointless main event. But the introduction of various weapons made for an enthralling match between the two big men. It should be stressed that neither Ace Austin nor Karl Anderson got involved, despite the no disqualifications ruling. A nice touch, just leaving it to the men involved.

Both took copious amounts of weapon-based damage, namely when the pair of them kicked chairs into the other's face. A Madman Fulton big boot is enough damage on its own, let alone when you add a steel chair into the mix. Furthermore, a Doc Gallows chokebomb will lay an opponent out for the count, but when it's planting an opponent through two chairs? No chance are they getting up, as Fulton proved.

This was a fine change from the endless amount of tag team matches to build to Bound For Glory's World Tag Team Championships match. There was nothing necessarily wrong with those bouts, though a singles bout between two of the eight men involved next Saturday made for an exciting way to both build to the pay-per-view, and remind the viewers that both are more than capable of producing an excellent singles match as well.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.