7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (2 Dec - Results & Review)
The New Day's anniversary makes everyone sour on WWE Raw.

Coming out of a mediocre Survivor Series and steaming toward a heavily hyped Saturday Night’s Main Event, WWE needed Monday Night Raw to deliver several huge notes to set the table not just for the television special, but also for WrestleMania Season.
Raw succeeded on all fronts, producing one of its better episodes in recent months, aided tremendously by one of the best segments of the year, the New Day’s 10th anniversary. If you thought you knew how things were going to go heading into Monday night, you were wrong. Suffice it to say, this was an emotional ride, and anyone who hasn’t seen it yet should run to YouTube and buckle up.
Several top-level talent became inextricably intertwined throughout the night, creating a web of characters who have the potential to crash into each other repeatedly during the next couple of months, which could generate some interesting rivalries and matches along the way. It’s far from a sure thing, but the first glimpse and fantasy booking bodes well.
As usual, not everything was a success, but the negatives this week were minimal, with nothing really dragging the show down. Call this a win for WWE that could in hindsight be a big table-setting episode that also managed to deliver one of the segments of the year.
Lets get to it…