7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 22)


7. Cesaro Wins Again

Cesaro Dolph Ziggler

And breathe.

There's a reason this 'Up' is so close to the 'Downs' however. Yes, Cesaro backed down from another fight with Daniel Bryan, and yes Dolph Ziggler was a strange choice of opponent for him; going heel vs. heel when they had a babyface right there? Yep, odd.

Still, this is a lovely little run that Cesaro is on, and it bodes well for his immediate future post-tag with Shinsuke Nakamura. Even if WWE are only building him up slightly so he can lose to Shin and facilitate Nakamura's Universal Title push, then it's still something for the guy to do.

Fingers crossed it's more. It'd be awesome to see Cesaro log some decent time in the Royal Rumble match then get a proper push afterwards. Surely he'd be a much better rival for Big E and the Intercontinental Title than Apollo Crews, for example?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.