7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 22)

1. The Obstacle Course

Bayley Bianca Belair Michael Cole

This was diabolically bad.

Bianca Belair is not going to get over by shooting basketballs or literally carrying Otis around on her back. Had WWE written this kind of sh*te for her on NXT, then she might be on the indy scene by now. That's a disgrace considering her talents, and the same could be said for Bayley.

This obstacle course guff had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It's the kind of thing that should've been left on NXT when NXT was tripe, and it did nothing for the ongoing Bayley vs. Belair feud. Even Michael Cole looked like he knew the segment was gobbling up air time and going over like a fart in church.

In future, the company should realise that these mini-feats of athleticism are a waste of everyone's energy. Fans don't enjoy them, the wrestlers don't get over because of them and announcers look like tools when they have to pretend such drivel is meaningful.

Just book a bloody mixed tag or something!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.