7 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Homecoming 2021
3. No, No, No
The crowd wants @steveofcrazzy to "Bite his face off"?! #Homecoming @FALLAH1
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Fallah Bahh is not a good wrestler. He's a comedy act and nothing more. Occasionally, he'll have a decent Samoan drop execution, but that's the extent of his in-ring efforts. He was near unbearable here, coming off as trying too hard to get the fans to like him. Replying in his signature 'no, no, no' as the fans chanted for Crazzy Steve (and then Rosemary) to bite his face off is the sh*te patter you expect to see/hear in WWE.
That he initially refused to lay his hands on Rosemary, despite the intergender stipulation being in use here, only added to his issues here. Calling her a weirdo and mocking her on-the-knees scream, again, is WWE's preferred method of 'comedy'. He took the pin here, too, lazily selling a middle-rope DDT from Crazzy Steve after he'd inadvertently knocked Tasha from the apron.
Fallah's nonsense was the whole story of the match. Without it, this was nothing more than a banal encounter. For a one-night tournament to be engaging, matches need to have that oomph to them that gets you emotionally attached to those involved. All this achieved was making you grow tired of Fallah's antics. Not good, especially as this was the last quarterfinal matchup.