7 Ups & 6 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (30 March)

3. Oh, Hey Wildcat

America’s Most Wanted have reunited, about fifteen years after they first split up, and your writer couldn’t be more delighted.

James Storm was being interviewed backstage by Gia Miller ahead of his 1000th match in IMPACT Wrestling, dedicating the match to the late Bob Ryder. Realising Eric Young would have his friends at ringside in the form of Violent By Design, ‘The Cowboy’ showed he had not only Chris Sabin and Jake Something by his side, but also his old running partner in Harris. ‘The Wildcat’ was brought in as a surprise courtesy of Sabin and Something.

You couldn’t possibly celebrate someone having one thousand matches in a single promotion without one or two surprises thrown in. Harris’ appearance legitimately came out of nowhere, which in wrestling terms, is either one of the greatest things on a show, or has the possibility of completely tarnishing said show. This case was the former.

Please don’t let this be a one-off appearance. One more Death Sentence is all your writer wants.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.