7 Ups & 6 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (30 March)

1. This One's For You, Bob

As his 1000th match in IMPACT Wrestling, there was arguably no-one better to face James Storm than Eric Young.

Coming into this match was a bit weird, as while you wanted to enjoy a genuinely good match, you couldn’t help but be on the lookout for what caused Young’s torn ACL. If you looked closely, you would have noticed he was limping a bit towards the end of the match, but a definitive injury-causing moment couldn’t be found.

This was good business all around. Given their history together, it meant that both Storm and Young had counters for each other’s signature offence. Storm had to try twice before executing his Eye of the Storm because Young had taken it before and knew how to counter it Little nuances like this made the match better.

Proceedings broke down towards the end as the action shifted to ringside, resulting in everyone getting involved, including Chris Harris. He clocked Young in the head as he went to use his hockey mask. A Last Call superkick sealed the deal for the former World Champion.

Lovely stuff, this. IMPACT made a huge deal out of Storm’s 1000th match. They didn’t need to, but because they did, there was an aura of importance. Congratulations to ‘The Cowboy’.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.