7 Ups & 6 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (30 March)

4. Challenge Declined

Brian Myers vs. Suicide is a match that happened. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It merely existed.

The Suicide character is a shell of its former self. Like, seriously, it’s about time IMPACT management canned it. When he first debuted over a decade ago, he was one of the hottest things in the company. Now, though? It feels like a parody of itself.

It didn’t help that he just isn’t the best wrestler now, regardless of who’s under the mask (both TJP and Kaleb With A K have reportedly played this incarnation of the character). A slight error on a Suicide headscissors early on saw the former X Division Champion already on the mat before Myers had done his flip bump sell. That’s a minor grievance with the match. Myers, after dominating for the majority of the contest, hit the Roster Cut for the win.

Having him decline Matt Cardona’s challenge to a match after the bell also wasn’t the best move, but hey, IMPACT have to drag this out to Rebellion, so unfortunately, we’re in for the long run here.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.