7 Ups & 6 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (30 March)

3. X Division Tag Falls Flat

Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. TJP and Josh Alexander had the potential to be an alright match. It just didn’t live up, sadly, and was instead a subpar affair.

The match focused far too much on two obvious stories; Fulton intervening at every single opportunity, and TJP and Alexander’s inability to function as a team.

There were a couple of alright moments, namely Austin’s barrage of innovative moves on ‘The Walking Weapon’ towards the end of the match that included a deadly Black Mass kick, but nothing on the level that you’d expect from the four involved. Alexander inadvertently sandwiched TJP in the corner, leading to the former Manik blind tagging himself in. This, of course, led to Ace taking advantage, rolling TJP up for the three count.

Stories like this are one of the biggest gripes your writer has with tag team wrestling. Every now and then, there just has to be a story of enemies becoming partners just because the third guy has a bodyguard, and it never, ever hits the mark. Hopefully, this was nothing more than a minor pitstop on the road to Rebellion, as every other part of the story thus far has been decent.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.