7 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Raw (Mar 22)
3. Peyton Hangs With Asuka
Dear WWE, we’re not asking for four-star matches and huge pushes for every superstar on the roster. But what you did with Peyton Royce on Monday night is a nod in the right direction.
Royce emerged from obscurity on Monday night to challenge Asuka to a non-title match and actually hung with the Raw Women’s Champion, countering some of her signature moves and absorbing others. Peyton hit her Widow’s Peak variant and a diving double stomp among her offense, and she managed to get a couple of rollups for near-falls.
No one was seriously buying Royce as winning at this stage, but showing that she wasn’t a pushover and capable of competing helps bolster the women’s division. It’s far easier to build someone up when they’re competitive than to have a division with only 2-3 superwomen and a bunch of jobbers.