7 Ups & 8 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jan 21)

6. A Fine Match

Willie Mack vs. Rohit Raju was a fine match. That's it. Nothing too flashy, however, it still served its purpose.

'Chocolate Thunder' showed every ounce of his athleticism in this one, busting out a somersault dive over the ropes, the same move that saw him suffer a knee injury during the Tag Team Open in the build towards Hard To Kill. Alongside that was a Mackarena Moonsault, which may be the best name for a move to ever exist, before winning the fairly short bout with a Stunner. A post-match assault saw Mack decimated by The Desi Hit Squad, with Johnny Swinger coming to his aid to no avail.

The match itself wasn't special, but the aftermath at least furthered the story of Willie Mack attempting to prove himself. Not that he needs to, though. He simply feels as if he let Rich down at Hard To Kill, so now he's doing everything he can to make a name for himself in Impact while the former X Division Champion remains on the injured list. This match, plus the post-match angle, helped move that story in the right direction.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.