7 Ups & 8 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jan 21)

6. Saved By The Dong

Joey Ryan vs. Maximo was, in places, quite a sloppy bout, with the latter of the two looking a bit naff in places. The Mexican star dished out some lacklustre moves in this one, with a kick to the ribs clearly not connecting with 'The King of Dong Style' at all, while an inverted atomic drop was delivered without any sort of impact.

The main point in this match, as is the case with near enough every single one of Joey's matches, was Ryan attempting to force Maximo to touch his dong. He eventually would, taking both a D*ck Flip and a Sweet Tooth Music to put him down for the three count as the match mercifully came to an end. One of Impact's worst matches in recent months, without any shadow of a doubt.

If we're being honest here, the majority of the blame could - and should - be on Maximo. Your writer hasn't exactly seen a lot of his work, but you never really see Joey Ryan putting on disastrous matches in Impact Wrestling. If anything, he saved this match from being a complete car crash.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.