7 Ups & 8 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Jan 21)

3. Ruining The Friendship

For months, maybe even a year at this point, the relationship between Madison Rayne and Kiera Hogan has been on and off to say the least. More recently though, they've been on the same page more often than they've been at war with one another, so it's a tremendous bore to see Taya Valkyrie pitting the pair against each other next week.

Whoever wins will challenge for the Knockouts Championship first, while the loser will challenge for the title afterwards. Your writer may be mistaken here, but wasn't the deal that Rayne and Hogan would only receive their championship opportunities if they assisted Valkyrie in winning their six person tag team match before Hard To Kill? They lost to Jordynne Grace, Tenille Dashwood, and ODB, so are the frenemies even deserving of title shots just now?

In hindsight though, there wasn't even a point in doing this, as Jordynne Grace would then insert herself into next week's number one contender's match. 'Thicc Mama Pump' has had her fair share of title matches, so she doesn't even have a right to demand a place in the title picture. However, it does mean that Madison and Kiera may not fight as much with each other, instead teaming up on Jordynne.

Anything to prevent weeks and weeks of on-again, off-again friendship between the two. We suffered enough of that over the summer period.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.