7 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Feb 24)

6. Leon Ruff Is Swerved Before His Match Against The Diamond

Ruff Scott

Malcolm Bivens' tactic of trying to take advantage of a star's weakened state didn't exactly work out for his client Tyler Rust during last week's show as KUSHIDA bested his diamond. Not deterred by these events, however, the wily manager scouted out a less than fully fit Leon Ruff to take on his pal last night, giving him, as he put it, an opportunity of a lifetime.

Before Ruff could even make his way into the ring, though, the person who brutalised him last week, Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott struck with a vicious sneak attack. Hijacking the match, Scott launched Ruff back-first into the corner of the ring apron, demanding some more opportunities on the show.

It looks like Scott and Ruff's issues are set to continue for the foreseeable future, a smart move as both men could use something interesting to get stuck into after weeks of no real direction.

Bivens and Rust on the other hand celebrated as though they'd just picked up a game-changing victory, revelling in Rust's misery like the pair of intended a-holes they are. You may not like it, but Bivens' questionable methods worked out on this occasion...sort of.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...