7 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Feb 24)

5. Stark Delivers In Defeat, Toni Kicks Up A Storm

Shirai Stark

Becoming the talk of the town after her impressive singles debut on last week's NXT, Zoey Stark was gifted with a non-title match against Io Shirai by William Regal on the latest edition of the show.

The NXT Women's Champion quickly found out what Stark was all about, with the newcomer matching Shirai throughout a compelling run of chain-wrestling. The two would continue to cancel out each other as Stark failed to hit a 450 splash and the opponents soon collided with crossbody attempts.

Forcing Shirai to delve deep into her violent arsenal, Stark refused to give in, only finally falling after a picture perfect moonsault from the all-conquering Champion.

Toni Storm, fresh off of attacking Shirai mid-photoshoot last week, would then make her presence known and state that the champ knows she can't defeat her, or else she would've asked for a one-on-one defence by now. A pissed Shirai then proclaimed she'd face her any time, any place; setting up a riveting contest between herself and the challenger she's never defeat in singles action in two week's time.

Away from this set-up, however, it is absolutely huge for a relative newcomer in Stark to be given this much offence and attention in only her SECOND singles match in the company. Defeat or not, this lady is going places, folks.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...