7 Ups And 1 Down From Last Night's WWE NXT (May 25)
4. The Greatest Versus The King

Austin Aries took control of the NXT broadcast for a rare in-ring interview. Though he didn't turn heel, there was a definite bit of irritation in his tone as he complained about being overshadowed by other recent NXT signings. That prompted the fans to start chanting "Nakamura," leading Aries to acknowledge that, yes, he was talking about "The King of Strong Style."
Aries said that no matter who else was on the roster, after the steel cage between Finn Balor and Samoa Joe, he'd be challenging for the NXT Championship. That brought out Nakamura, who came down to the ring to a huge reaction. He started speaking to Aries in Japanese, then apologized and made himself clear in English, saying that "The Greatest" wouldn't be the next NXT Champion, "The King" would.
Out came William Regal, who gave the fans chanting "TakeOver" exactly what they wanted by booking Aries versus Nakamura for the June 8 special. A pleased Nakamura extended his hand to Aries, and after considering it for a moment, "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" delivered a respectful handshake.