7 Ups And 10 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Dec 28)

3. Crazy Old Billionaire

As much as many fans say Vince McMahon is old and out of touch when it comes to knowing what wrestling fans want today and how to deliver a good product, he certainly knows how to play the part of an evil boss perfectly. Mr. McMahon€™s €œI own this ring€ I own that belt€ and I own you€ rant at Roman Reigns was his usual awesomeness, but Vince raised his game when he countered Roman€™s €œrich snobs€ comment with, €œI€™m not a rich snob, I€™m a billionaire.€ You almost had to snort and laugh at that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdWpMeTWjmc But Mr. McMahon went whole hog after the police officer threatened to arrest Stephanie McMahon and told Vince to calm down. Mr. McMahon€™s €œdon€™t you know who I am€ routine while arguing with the cop was perfect for his character. Vince views himself as the most important person in his universe, so a plainclothes cop telling him that he didn€™t care who Vincent Kennedy McMahon was just too much for him to bear. And off Vince went in handcuffs.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fondly remembers watching WrestleMania III, IV, V and VI and Saturday Night's Main Event, came back to wrestling during the Attitude Era, and has been a consumer of sports entertainment since then. He's written for WhatCulture for more than a decade, establishing the Ups and Downs articles for WWE Raw and WWE PPVs/PLEs and composing pieces on a variety of topics.