7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 17)

1. Hartwell And Lumis Take Their Relationship To The Next Level

Dexter Lumis

Clearly taking Johnny Gargano's advice from earlier in the night, but perhaps executing it in a different way than he initially intended, Indi Hartwell very much helped take her burgeoning relationship with Dexter Lumis to the next level last night.

Now, I must stress, the bout which showcased Hartwell and Lumis taking on The Robert Stone Brand's Jessi Kamea and the face of the lacklustre faction himself was actually pretty fun. Sure, it was equal parts goofy and silly too, but the sight of Stone attempting and hilariously missing a dive to the outside on Lumis could put a smile on even the most soulless black and gold fan's face.

Yet, as the dust settled on a victory on the back of Hartwell locking in Lumis' Silence on Kamea, things took another jarring turn. A week on from their first official date, Hartwell threw caution to the wind and proposed to her man. Lumis, of course, said yes, and a hot-shotted wedding is surely on its way. Perhaps most surprisingly of all, the CWC were well and truly into all of this.

Now, Hartwell being the one to propose definitely feels fresh and very much in-keeping with NXT trying its best to steer clear of the tropes of the past, but how can anyone honestly say that this makes any logical sense? Perhaps love simply isn't logical, or maybe your writer just needs to close their eyes and think happy thoughts whenever this ridiculous storyline rears its baffling head.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...