7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 17)

3. Hayes Progresses, An Odyssey Awaits

carmelo hayes

So, just like that, your NXT Breakout Tournament final is set. After overcoming Duke Hudson in a pulsating barnburner of a match this week, Carmelo Hayes will be throwing down with Odyssey Jones in just 7 days time.

The bout in question wasn't without its plot twists, though, as Hudson seemed determined to crush the dreams of a star who has looked like a favourite from the get-go. Saying that, fresh off of dumping his opponent out of the ring with relative ease, Hudson was dealt a legitimately sickening blow. Looking like he slipped en-route to hitting the apron, Hudson ate the ring and produced an audible gasp from both the CWC faithful and Vic-Wade-Beth on commentary.

With the damage already done, it was only a matter of time for Hayes, and one leg drop later, his place in the final was booked.

Having the two most charismatic performers in the contest throw down in the tourney's conclusion was a no-brainer, and Hayes cheeky promo stating that he was in fact Jones' "final boss" helped add a bit of extra fire to the pair's incoming battle. This could be a good'un, and both men will no doubt go on to bigger and better things, regardless of the result.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...