7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 17)

4. Gonzalez And Kai Don't See Eye-To-Eye

5 days out from perhaps the most anticipated match of both stars' careers, Dakota Kai and NXT Women's Champion Raquel Gonzalez took part in an always-engaging side-by-side interview conducted by Beth Phoenix.

Big Mami Cool fired the first shot, admitting she knew Kai had priors in backstabbing her one-time pals from day one but stayed along for the ride anyway. The champ would go on to say that Kai was the last person in her way on her quest to dominate the entire locker room, only for her TakeOver challenger to label her old partner as "delusional", confessing that whilst she taught Gonzalez all she knows, she did not teach her all The Captain of Team Kick knows.

This type of interview always lends itself quite well to organic overlaps and genuine responses. You know? Like what happens in a real conversation between two humans. And this iteration of the format was no different. Gonzalez then hit the ultimate parting shot when she branded her old tutor a "side-kick", a comment that will no doubt earn her a side-kick to the skull on Sunday.

Unquestionably the most intriguing bout on the card, these two have carved out a seriously compelling narrative based on a year's worth of storytelling and twists and turns. This tale deserves a TakeOver banger, so here's hoping they deliver the goods.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...