7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Dec 2)

2. Timothy Thatcher Teaches Ciampa A Lesson

Timothy Thatcher

After losing his match against KUSHIDA last week thanks to Tommaso Ciampa's presence at ring side catching him off-guard, the catch wrestling expert took to the ring to teach a lesson on dealing with distractions.

However, things took a sudden turn when Ciampa arrived on the scene, with the pair beginning to brawl after Thatcher had first claimed he wanted nothing to do with the former NXT Champion.

Then, as Ciampa looked to be gaining an advantage, Thatcher's student brought the fight to the NXT veteran, paving the way for Thatcher to eventually put his new rival to sleep.

Though the actual reasons behind these two coming together in the first place still feel a bit contrived, Thatcher looked like a badass here in choking out a credible threat like Ciampa.

If their now confirmed TakeOver throw-down lives up to its sickening potential, we'll likely soon forget about the fact Ciampa started this feud because he had a problem with the one person on the roster who actually seems to be cut from the same cloth as him.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...