7 Ups And 3 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Oct 12)

5. Diamond Mine Dominate

Diamond Mine

It feels as though your writer is making this point by the week, but it is absolutely staggering the difference a few weeks and a couple of fresh faces have made to Malcolm Bivens' Diamond Mine.

Once again showing just how bright these gems are shining currently and how monumental the future could be for all involved, Ivy Nile was next up for an in-ring debut and, boy, did she show other recently arriving NXT stars how it's done.

Not rushing through her showcase or panicking should things not go exactly to plan, the Titan Games star consistently put on an exhibition in freakish power and balance, catching Valentina Feroz in mid-air before slowly hauling her into a suplex that could be felt in the comfort of your own home. Mixing things up within the faction, Nile also opted for a submission finisher to end the contest, stacking Feroz on her shoulders before trying to connect her hands and snap her rival like a twig in the process - it was as savage as it sounds.

Not one to be outdone, though, Julius Creed suddenly decided tonight was the night to show that he could go it alone should he need to, battling an intruding crowd-popper in the form of Ikemen Jiro. Sadly, despite riding a storm of suplexes and seemingly getting back into things with a delicious moonsault to the outside, Jiro was no match for Julius' running tackle followed by an unnecessary clothesline.

On a night of statements for Bivens' wrecking crew, KUSHIDA was then thwarted in his attempts to stave off a post-match beatdown on Jiro. If WWE manage to c*ck up this monstrous unit then tear up the whole damn thing, I say.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...