7 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Jan 15)
7. The Good Side Of Braun’s Rampage
While Braun Strowman’s backstage rampage was overdone, ridiculous and generally too much, it still had the desired effect: the crowd loved it.
Fans in the arena reacted to each of Braun’s exploits, laughing hysterically at the cake incident (a genuinely funny moment where Strowman looked like he was going to maul a caterer or at least smash the cake into his face, but instead took a slice and ate it), and cheering him on throughout everything – including when he was rehired.
So even though this writer thinks it was overall a negative, you still have to acknowledge that it generally worked. And a few weeks from now, the only thing people will remember is Braun being an unstoppable monster.