7 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (July 3)

1. Does Anyone Care About Rollins/Wyatt?

seth rollins

If you’re looking for the definition of a time-waster of a feud, look no further than Seth Rollins versus Bray Wyatt.

This rivalry has been lackluster at best, even though it’s between two guys who fans react strongly for. Wyatt’s entrance elicits a huge following, and his promos – while meandering and often meaningless – are almost spellbinding at times. Rollins has been a top-flight guy for more than two years now and has won fans over to his side after a strange heel turn after his return from injury last year.

But their pairing seems to be more about the fact that they’re two top guys without feuds than anything else. Looking at the lineup for Sunday’s PPV, nearly every other matchup has more of a compelling backstory to it. Hell, Goldust versus R-Truth would have a more compelling backstory. That doesn’t mean Wyatt/Rollins won’t be a good match, but it’s not going to win Feud of the Year either.


Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.