7 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE Raw (June 22)
2. The Payoff Doesn’t Match The Hype
After a couple months of vignettes featuring the Street Profits and Viking Raiders engaged in a never-ending game of one-upsmanship, the two teams finally battled in the ring for the Raw Tag Team Championship.
You would think after all the build-up that they would have had a barn-burner of a tag title match. However, Monday’s match, while not bad, was pedestrian instead of epic. It should have been a really good, see-saw battle, but it felt like a fraction of a good match, as if half the bout was left on the cutting room floor.
The Raiders and Profits have pretty good chemistry, both in and out of the ring, so there’s no reason why we shouldn’t have gotten a 15-20 minute tag title match that really paid off this “Anything You Can Do, We Can Do Better” feud.
Unfortunately, it just didn’t come to pass, and the rivalry just puttered out.