7 Ups And 7 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (March 4)

4. A DQ Finish That Works

ricochet black

Typically, DQ finishes are just cheap ways to avoid booking a real finish to a match. And while that might have been true during Monday’s Raw Tag Team Championship match, there was a little more to it.

Ricochet and Aleister Black were competing against The Revival for the tag titles when Bobby Roode & Chad Gable came to ringside to watch the match, and then the duo attacked Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder for the disqualification, costing Ricochet and Black a tag title opportunity.

However, this interference made sense, as Roode & Gable got in the ring and jawed with the challengers about how they’ve only been on Raw for two weeks and were getting title shots, while the former tag champs never got a rematch.

Now that actually made perfect sense, and their frustration spilled over into causing a DQ. It also meant that three teams are actively vying for the tag titles. (Hmmm, if Heavy Machinery suddenly enters the picture, we could have a fatal four-way for the Raw tag titles at WrestleMania. That’s never happened before!)


Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.