7 Ways To Make WWE More Exciting

5. Have A Best Of 7 Series For The Intercontinental Or US Title

It's been a very long time since WWE has had a best of five or best of seven series of matches. Fans today are smarter. They want more in ring action. Less promos. The talent on WWE is there to have better matches on a more regular basis. If it was up to me, the US Champion would be Cesaro. I would debut Sami Zayn against him in his first match on Raw. Have the announcers mention that Zayn faced off Cesaro multiple times on NXT and he could never beat him. Make it a non-title match. Have Zayn win with a cradle or something that looks like a fluke. After that, Cesaro says he was just lucky and that there's no way he could beat him again. That's when Zayn can suggest a best of 7 series, which Cesaro would accept. They could stretch the best of seven series across Raw, Smackdown & Main Event while also having some of the matches on PPV too. Have it go to the seven matches where they end it with a ladder match that Zayn wins. Would that be exciting? Absolutely. It would make a new star in Zayn, Cesaro could move on to the main event level after it's over and we would get seven incredible matches out of it.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.