7 Ways To Make WWE More Exciting

3. Let Fans Vote On Matches For An Entire Episode Of Raw

Wwe App When WWE moved to three hours full time in July of 2012, they issued a press release talking about how Raw was going to be more interactive than ever. They were going to have fan votes and participation like no other show on television. That didn't really happen. They have polls up once in a while with obvious outcomes, but it's not nearly as interactive as it could be. It's similar to that Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday show they've done in the past although this time they can use the App that they brag about all the time. "We have 12 million downloads!" Great. Use it to your advantage. What they did in the past worked: Announce that 8 matches will take place on a particular episode of Raw. Some of them will already be set and fans can vote on the stipulations. They use the App to vote. One of the matches will be for the WWE Title, another will be for the tag titles where fans can vote on wildcard partners and that kind of thing. There are so many things they can do. They did a "Viewer's Choice" edition of Raw in June of 2010 that didn't do very well in the ratings, but that was also at a time when WWE's product was very flat. Was it the fault of the concept of the show or the booking of WWE at the time? It's a concept that can work if they did votes that didn't have obvious outcomes all the time. It would also be a way to keep fans invested in all three hours of the show instead of turning out when the stars weren't on. They would want to know what happens with their votes. Give the fans some power to decide what they're going to see in that particular episode. Interaction is a good thing, after all.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.