7 Ways Pro Wrestling Shaped Modern MMA

2. Spectacular Entrances

Music creates a mood and sets a tone like no other form of art. First used in pro wrestling, the walkout song has become an integral part of the spectacle and psychology involved in modern MMA.

Most of us secretly have a favourite pro wrestling theme song. Even those who swear to have never watched pro wrestling, can recognise John Cena or Hulk Hogan's theme. Since the days of Pride FC, MMA fans have been able to make the same association with fighter's entrance music.

Wild Boys? Mirko Cro Cop. Sandstorm? Wanderlei Silva. The theme song from Speed 2 Cruise Control? Kazushi Sakuraba. Japan might have been first to embrace the histrionics of pro wrestling in MMA, but the UFC and other promotions would eventually follow suit.

Who can forget the intensity of Dan Henderson walking out to Red Rider's Lunatic Fringe at UFC 100? Moments created by memorable walkouts have become iconic parts of MMA history and will continue to do so.

The walkout has now become a way of trying to gain the upper hand before the gloves have even touched. It signals confidence and serves as a way to intimidate the opponent. Most of all, it gets the crowd hyped up and invested in a fight, no matter who enters the cage or ring.


After a few years in the writing wilderness, I'm back to doing what I love most: writing about football, music, MMA, and pro wrestling.