7 Ways Pro Wrestling Shaped Modern MMA

1. Proper Broadcast Presentation

Wrestling pioneered the art of making slick TV broadcasts and pay-per-view events during the Monday Night Wars of the '90s. This could not be said of early MMA promotions.

Varying from bar room brawl chic, to bad ripoffs of the first Mortal Kombat movie, MMA broadcast presentation was atrocious. In its defense, promotions didn't have the multi million (or billion) dollar backing they have now. They had to hold events wherever they were allowed to, pay fighters what they could and with the rest of the small budget, cover production costs.

Early UFC events tried their best to appear legitimate, but having the likes of Don 'The Dragon" WIlson on commentary gave them a B-grade martial arts movie tag that was almost impossible to shake. Smaller promotions had even less to work with, and events looked like they filmed series of random brawls in a community centre. Which they kind of were, to be honest.

Enter Pride FC and its crisp, high production value, heavily pro wrestling inspired themes. MMA never looked back.


After a few years in the writing wilderness, I'm back to doing what I love most: writing about football, music, MMA, and pro wrestling.