September 11, 2015 marked the 14th anniversary of the terrorist tragedy that befell the World Trade Center and the citizens of New York City. In all realms of entertainment, the memories of those affected by the attacks were mourned, and the strength of the American public in the face of such terrible danger lauded. Moreso than maybe any other entertainment brand, how World Wrestling Entertainment mourned, celebrated and also remembered the legacy is worthwhile for listing. Whereas some companies stopped at a moment of silence, WWE famously broadcast Smackdown live on September 13, only two days after the attacks. Not one to shy away from grandiose statements of excellence, Vince McMahon's company was significant in their desire to broadcast and not "let the terrorists win." However, not being one to ever leave well enough alone, Vince and company absolutely didn't stop there. From the terrifying to the ridiculous, as well as making stops through the expected, fun and fanciful, too, WWE's obsession with both Americana, anti-American fervor AND terrorism were included in some of the many changes in WWE post-9/11. I n remembering the moments where WWE altered their presentation in order to favorably (or not-so favorably) remember one of the saddest days in American history, it provides a window into the both praise-worthy and not-so proud soul of Vince McMahon and WWE creative, too.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.