7 Ways WWE Can Push The Divas Division Like WCW Pushed The Cruiserweights

4. Man vs. Woman Wrestling

There are many wrestling fans and insiders who have stated on numerous occasions that "Nattie can out-wrestle most of the men on the WWE roster." As part of what could go far in changing the perception of women in wrestling, the idea of positioning Natalya as a character similar to who Billie Jean King was in the 1970s for women's tennis could be intriguing. Nattie wanting equal rights for women in WWE would be fun, as the idea of building her versus a male wrestler in the "Bobby Riggs"-type role and building to a grappling-only "Battle of the Sexes" could be fun. In a match without strikes or kicks, Nattie actually out-wrestling her similarly-sized male counterpart could actually main event Raw. The idea of Stephanie being behind Natalya and Hunter playing the buffoonish man supporting another loud-mouthed male grappler (Tyler Breeze would be perfect in this role) who is eventually bested would do well in creating a space for women's wrestling to be a more significant part of the WWE product.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.