7 Ways WWE Can Push The Divas Division Like WCW Pushed The Cruiserweights
3. Continue With Longer Women's Matches
WWE's desire to increase the length of women's wrestling matches as a part of the #givedivasachance campaign is commendable. Whether or not the mandate is completely successful is a topic for debate, but there are ways to potentially increase its rate of success. The Bella Twins as the workhorses of the Divas Division is a quality idea. Brie and Nikki working in tag team situations is actually the best way to use their ability to be workhorses to the best aid of the roster at-present. Women's singles matches are still a TV crapshoot as the level of ability to consistently have great matches on a diva-by-diva level still isn't exactly where it needs to be in order for longer women's singles matches to have their best relevance to WWE's current product. Putting current divas in WWE in isolated situations that can maximize their strengths? This is a quality idea and if planned correctly, tag team matches have the possibility of - even if involving wrestlers who are not as technically gifted as others - being excellent. Thus, it's an idea worth continuing.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.