7 Ways WWE Get Their Best Characters All Wrong
3. Everyone Is A Moron

You can count the number of WWE wrestlers who regularly display even a modicum of intelligence on one hand.
Babyfaces are particularly susceptible to being tagged with the dipsh*t stick, as it seems barely a week passes without at least one doing something unfathomably stupid. The heels aren't immune to being booked like bumbling, incompetent buffoons either though, with the bulk so devoid of common sense they make Ryback look like Nick Bockwinkel.
In her feud with Carmella, Asuka was routinely presented as a brainless imbecile, falling for James Ellsworth's most obvious traps. By the end, she was so diminished that the crowd didn't even care as she beat the living hell out of 'The Chin That Eats The Pin' at Extreme Rules. Far from keeping her "protected," these booking decisions have sunk her, and the wreckage may never ben recovered.
AJ Styles let Shinsuke Nakamura kick him in the groin a dozen times without ever buying a cup. Both Kevin Owens AND Braun Strowman have looked foolish in their ongoing storyline. Roman Reigns, meanwhile, is a company golden boy who somehow thinks he's an anti-authority badass.
How can anyone invest in such moronic characters?