7 Ways WWE Get Their Best Characters All Wrong
1. Babyface Bullies

The unsympathetic, overbearing, obnoxious babyface protagonist is WWE's worst character type, even though the company's biggest historical offender is now a part-timer.
For a while, John Cena was the dirt worst. His character was a piece of sh*t. This is a man who cuckolded Zack Ryder, screwed Rey Mysterio out of the WWE Championship in 2011, and resorted to abject, homophobic rhetoric during his feud with The Rock. At One Night Stand 2006, he bludgeoned a referee for daring to do his job. He has beaten up JBL and Batista after besting them in I Quit matches. The list goes on.
Despite all this, Cena was still supposed to be the hero. He's far from the only performer to follow the outdated Hulk Hogan model, though. His old loathsome traits are still present in much of Roman Reigns' work, and who could forget Sheamus' horrendous run as glib playground bully, who, through his presentation, drew immense sympathy for anyone in his firing line?
It all boils down to Vince McMahon's seemingly undying desire to create a "cool" Superman figure at the top of his cards. Will he ever switch gears? Not if his 'Big Dog' is anything to go by.