7 Ways WWE Has Screwed Up Cesaro's Career This Year
He has so much talent and looked like a star on the rise. So what happened?
There were reports earlier in 2014 that stated that Cesaro was a guy that WWE had big plans for later in the year. He was pegged to be a breakout babyface star since the fans started to cheer him thanks in part to his popular Cesaro Swing spot and his many feats of strength. Plus, the guy is really good. We can all see that. It looked like the push was going well at WrestleMania 30, then the night after with the great Paul Heyman as his new manager, but now it appears like things have changed. It's not a question of talent with Cesaro. He's one of the best in-ring performers in WWE. Every fan knows that. Just watch him. He has the kind of look that wrestling promoters dream of. Even though he's not American he's still able to cut good promos although he isn't always afforded the chance to do that. That's why they stuck Heyman with him too. Heyman was perfect for him. And now? It's done because Brock Lesnar is back. If there's one thing we know about wrestling it's that plans are always subject to change. One wrestler might be about to get a push, then all of a sudden some little thing happens and their career is completely derailed. It's not like WWE was unaware that Lesnar was coming back for SummerSlam, yet they still put Heyman with Cesaro. We're not here to say Cesaro's career is over. That would be foolish. He's a talented wrestler in his mid 30s that is definitely going places. However, the push he appeared to be on has stopped and now there's a question of if he will become a main eventer (which he should be) or if he'll be stuck in the midcard. Here's a look at seven ways that WWE has screwed up Cesaro's career so far this year.