7 WCW Jobbers Who Became WWE World Champions

4. Edge

Bruiser Mastino Kane

For the first time on this list, a wrestler changed their name for the better when joining WCW as a jobber.

Adam Copeland was previously wrestling in Canada as Sexton Hardcastle before he had his first WCW match under the name of Damon (or Damien, according to some sources) Striker.

Bearing no relation to Matt Striker (we think), Damon wrestled two matches on WCW Pro in early 1996. One was against Kevin Sullivan, only this time he was performing as The Taskmaster and didn't have a monkey with him. The other was against Meng, who presumably beat up Copeland so bad that he left WCW and never came back.

Later that same year, Copeland made his WWE debut as Edge, but not before resurrecting the Sexton Hardcastle name for one last hurrah.

Over the next 20+ years, Edge would become one of the most decorated and beloved performers in the company's history. He would win two Royal Rumbles, become the first ever Money in the Bank briefcase holder, retire for nine years, and would pick up 11 world championships.

He must have been really desperate not to go back to WCW. What did Meng do to him?


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.