7 Worst Ever Hell In A Cell WWE Matches

4. John Cena vs. Randy Orton (Hell In A Cell, 2009)

It was the feud that never ended. Cena vs. Orton haunts many people€™s nightmares and who can blame them? They€™re two talented athletes - capable of great matches - but have had so many matches that they€™ve all blurred into one. In 2009, Cena regularly exchanged the WWE Championship with Legacy€™s Orton and this continued at Hell in a Cell. After a back and forth start, Orton kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment and reversed a top rope AA into an Electric Chair Drop. He survived Cena€™s STF but, after a ref bump, tapped out to the same move. By the time the ref regained his bearings, it was Cena€™s turn to kick out of a finisher €“ this time the RKO. Orton angrily tied Cena in the ropes and, after being set free by the referee, the Missouri resident punted Cena in the head and got the 1-2-3 to regain the title. Whilst not necessarily a poor match, many labelled it €˜boring€™ due to its lethargic, meandering nature. Despite some impressive spots, the pace was very slow and barely used the Cell at all €“ it could easily have been standard one-on-one. Soon after, at Bragging Rights, Cena won the title back in a 60-minute Iron Man match and both competitors moved on to different things.

From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.