7 Worst Ever Hell In A Cell WWE Matches

3. Mankind vs. Kane (RAW Is War, 1998)

This technically still counts as a Hell in a Cell match, despite not being built up like normal ones. It was an entertaining seven minutes but has to be classed as a poor Cell match, fought between two men who were still tag team partners and WWF Tag Team Championship holders. Typical of the Attitude era, Mankind and Kane were part of a complicated story involving Vince McMahon, The Undertaker dressing up as his brother and the upcoming Steve Austin vs. Undertaker Summerslam main event. Eight weeks after his historical fight in a Cell with €˜Taker, this was the third such match within two months. It quickly descended into a weapon-fest, with thumbtacks and chair shots all over the place. Accompanied by his brother, Kane gave Mankind a Tombstone Piledriver and Chokeslam, before brutalising him with chair shots to the head and Tombstoning him onto the chair itself. Then, Stone Cold emerged from under the ring to attack Kane and the match was declared a no contest. After-match shenanigans occurred and the tag titles were won by the New Age Outlaws at Summerslam, when Kane failed to turn up. Mankind fought alone, valiantly, but eventually lost.

From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.