7 Worst Wrestling Match Stipulations In WWE Extreme Rules History

I'll give you a heads up, some of these really aren't pretty...

sheamus mark henry extreme rules

As great as Extreme Rules has been in the past, the pay-per-view can be something of a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, the theme of the show means that for one night of the year we€™re treated to some of the most exciting match-types that the WWE can offer. Cage matches, ladder matches, and of course the titular Extreme Rules matches, have all been a staple part of the event in recent years.

It also means, for whatever reason, that some kind of unbridled panic comes across the WWE Creative team, forcing them to concoct some of the wackiest match-types that, at times, beggar belief.

It€™s like they feel the need to balance the good with the badfor every Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena epic, there€™s a corresponding match-up at the other end of the spectrum that makes little to no sense at all.

So if you€™re after your daily dose of pro wrestling drivel, look no further than the following seven slides (or at least, the matches they refer to) as we count down the worst stipulations in Extreme Rules history.


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