7 Worst Wrestling Match Stipulations In WWE Extreme Rules History

7. Cage Match (2015)

kane rollins orton extreme rules

Now, ordinarily I€™d say there€™s absolutely nothing wrong with a cage match at an Extreme Rules PPVthe 2010 and €™11 shows being a testament to that.

But in 2015, when Seth Rollins defended his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton, this wasn€™t any ordinary cage match. Multiple stipulations were added to the mix, including Corporate Kane (the worst kind of Kane) as the €œgatekeeper€a completely superfluous roleand a ruling that prevented Orton from using his trusted RKO.

The first of these stipulations just felt cumbersome and unnecessary, while it also pretty much guaranteed that shenanigans would be involved (if you thought the €œguest gatekeeper€ would remain impartial then you must be new to this stuff). And banning Orton€™s RKO was basically a spoiler in itself that the Viper wouldn€™t be winning.

It was a combination of conditions that just seemed to dampen the occasion somewhat.

Ultimately, I feel like they might have been better off leaving this as a traditional cage match, or even just having Rollins straight-up feud with Kane instead of interjecting the Big Red Machine into the Rollins/Orton programme.


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