7 Worst Wrestling Match Stipulations In WWE Extreme Rules History

6. Strap Match

I€™ll preface this one by conceding that I€™m not really the biggest fan of strap matches, so admittedly this next entry is subject to a little bias. Okay, a lot of bias.

Perhaps it€™s just something that€™s lost on me. I€™m sure if I€™d been around to see Vader vs. Sting at Superbrawl III, or the equivalent Bullrope matches Dusty Rhodes had in his heyday, then I€™d be of a rather different opinion.

But in the modern era, at least, a strap match stipulation just seems to result in a one-on-one bout that simply replaces pinfalls with the arduous process of dragging your opponent to all four corners in fairly sluggish fashion.

I can see where a strap match would work, though. If the story of the feud is that one combatant keeps running away, then a strap match seems like the ideal alternative to a cage match, for example.

But if the story isn€™t there, I don€™t think a strap match should be either. Although I guess this just brings us back to the fact that with today€™s current PPV schedule, stipulations are dictated by the month of the year as opposed to the nature of the feud.

Either way, unless someone can convince me otherwise, I can€™t help but feel that the strap match has been one of the least exciting stipulations that we€™ve seen at Extreme Rules.


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