7 Worst Wrestling Match Stipulations In WWE Extreme Rules History

3. Extreme Makeover Match

Extreme Makeover Match

When it comes to women€™s wrestling, the WWE has something of a tradition of taking a legitimate match-type and bastardising it into a completely inferior knockoff version; turning a lumberjack match into a €œPlayboy BunnyMania Lumberjill match€ at WrestleMania 24, for example.

Another such instance came at Extreme Rules 2010, when Beth Phoenix faced Michelle McCool in an extreme makeover match for the old WWE Women€™s Championship.

Now, in theory this was basically an extreme rules matchno disqualification, anything goes, and with a litany of weapons surrounding the ring. However, those weapons weren€™t your usual array of chairs, table, and kendo sticks.

Instead, we saw an ironing board, a broom, hairspray and a mop-bucket, as well as a carefully assembled table of cosmetic goods just in front of the announce table.

In short, this match was as gimmicky as they come. And furthermore, it was a telling sign of how the WWE regarded its female competitors in an unabashed display of sexist stereotyping.


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