7 Worst Wrestling Moments Of The Week (April 9)
3. Broken But Not Forgotten

Ever since Final Deletion, the Hardy Boyz (damn that “z”!) have become one of the most talked about acts in the wrestling world. While their time in Impact ended on a pretty uneventful note, the thought of seeing them once again in WWE sounded like a blast.
A "Broken" Matt Hardy along with his Brother Nero, his wife, his child, his gardener, his once dilapidated boat and his drone would have been pretty damn interesting to see play out. But it doesn't look like we're going to get it.
Okay, so the company probably would have botched the whole thing anyway. Matt wasn't going to get as much creative control as he had on Impact to really do everything he wanted with his Broken Universe in Vince McMahon's Universe. Still, it would be better than seeing the brothers come back and become the 2017 version of the Dudley Boyz's 2015 run (damn "z").
Just watching Matt and Jeff wrestle, you can see the two are beat up. They're older, and can't move anywhere near as fast or fluid as they used to. So what they need are strong characters to make them relevant again. A Broken Matt could have been a main-event talent for a bit. But returning Matt who lost his wacky accent and his gardener probably won't move far beyond the realm of a nostalgia act.
I could be wrong, and I hope I am. But unless he becomes "Shattered", "Smashed", "Splintered" or "Fragmented" Matt (due to Impact claiming they own "Broken"), then this seems like one gigantic missed opportunity to capitalize off one of the hottest acts over the past few years.