7 Worst Wrestling Moments Of The Week (April 9)
4. Sami Annoys Kurt
The problem with Sami Zayn wasn't that WWE needed to tweak his character. It's that they needed to feature him in a more prominent role and actually give him some meaningful wins now and then. But from time-to-time they turn him into an annoying, neurotic mess backstage...but it's not quite clear what that's supposed to accomplish.
Kurt Angle appeared on Raw for the first time in years, so of course, fans were going to go nuts over seeing him. For the night he was the most popular act on the show, so when they cut to a backstage shot of him being annoyed by Sami after having to suffer the indignity of conversing with him...well, that's not good. It would be one thing for a heel to be driven crazy by Sami, but not a returning legend.
If this is the direction WWE is going to take Sami's character, then there's a very limited ceiling in place. Annoying people generally don't rise to the top of the card. Of course, Daniel Bryan started out that way, but when he started catching fire, they dropped some of his more obnoxious ways. While fans may want to see Zayn jump over to SmackDown in the shake-up, the same boss is going to be in charge of how to push him, he'll just be facing off against different opponents and annoying a different GM.
Sami still has a ton of potential, but they need to get around to pushing him as a legitimate talent before it's too late. Let Dolph Ziggler be a warning to the creative team on that one.