7 Worst Wrestling Moments Of The Week (June 4)

1. This Is Your Life

alexa bliss

2017 has its new worst segment of the year! New Day only has six months to come up with something worse. It can be done, but for now, we have a clear leader.

Besides the Cartman slam, WWE once again went back nearly 20 years in time to give us another greatest hits with “This Is Your Life.” Instead of using this bit for two acts who are at the top of their game like Rock and Mankind were, talent who could make absolutely anything work (and really, their TIYL material really wasn’t that strong), the segment was asked to be carried by Alexa Bliss and Bayley. Bliss has been great lately but she was doomed from the start.

Besides it not being funny, or clever, and immediately dying on the spot, Bayley flat-out looks terrible coming out of it. Instead of fans going “none of Alexa’s claims can possibly be true!” we’re lead to feel bad for the babyface and her obvious arrested development. She also has some serious abandonment issues and her dad is overprotective. So her character dressing the way she does kind of makes sense. But it’s now more sad than anything.

NXT did a hell of a job with Bayley. Raw has crushed the life out of her. The original This Is Your Life segment was one of the highest rated segments ever on Raw. It seems fitting that this train wreck was on one of their least-watched shows ever.

Time to kick out.


As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at." Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week. Follow along @AndrewSoucek and check out my podcast at wrestlingwithfriends.com