7 Wrestlers Who Really Didn’t Get Paid By The Hour

6. Sid Vicious

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Another who was more of a physical presence than a wizard between the ropes, Sid Vicious rarely had truly great matches. Indeed, former peer Shawn Michaels once said of Sid that he was the "most expensive piece of luggage" around, meaning he had to be carried in the ring if his matches were going to be watchable.

Despite never having the best matches on the card though, Sid became a multi-time World Champion (in WCW and the WWF) and was one of wrestling's biggest stars during the '90s. Much like Luger, his matches were often shorter and featured long periods of stalling or a number of rest holds to pad them out.

By the time Sid was back on WCW TV in 1999, he barely wrestled a match lasting longer than 10 minutes. There were notable exceptions, of course, such as his underrated title clash with Chris Benoit at Souled Out 2000, but the big man's strike-heavy style and use of the Powerbomb were his main qualities. He didn't need to work like a demon.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.