7 Wrestlers Who Really Didn’t Get Paid By The Hour

5. Legion Of Doom

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Squash match experts from the mid-1980s onwards, Hawk and Animal looked like smash mouth destroyers from the get-go. Whether working as The Road Warriors or the Legion Of Doom, the iconic duo were much more comfortable when matches were kept relatively brief and called for them to run through opponents.

Tag-teams like LOD have been lost to the sands of time, and that's a real shame. The Road Warriors didn't have to work lengthy bouts with numerous cut-offs, heat sections or babyface comebacks - they got over because their matches were one-sided displays, their aesthetic was strong and the Doomsday Device finisher looked deadly.

When promoters asked LOD to sell during matches, much of their aura dissipated. For proof of that, look at their lacklustre runs in the WWF. In the NWA/WCW, Hawk and Animal were spike-wearing bad asses fans could live vicariously through, knowing they'd see some big power moves.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.