7 WWE Careers That Are At A Dead End

5. Damien Sandow

It's fitting that Sandow is being mentioned along with those that are in a dead end because he just spent this past Monday's Raw dressed in a ridiculous Magneto costume. He was made to look like a fool by Dolph Ziggler and Hugh Jackman in a segment that didn't really mean anything. That's the problem, though. Sandow hasn't done anything meaningful in a very long time. Last October, Sandow tried to cash in his Money in the Bank contract for the World Title that was held by John Cena. It appeared as though he might actually win the match because Cena was injured and there was a belief that he might actually put over Sandow to make him a bigger star. That didn't happen because Cena came back to win and Sandow has been doing nothing ever since. The sad reality is that maybe Sandow has gone as far as he could go with his "Intellectual Savior" gimmick. Maybe it's not something that WWE can develop into a main event level character. While that is certainly understandable, it's something that could be tweaked too. Give the character an edge. Make him use his intelligence to actually win matches instead of losing all the time. He should be smart enough to capitalize on injuries or work over a body part. It would be foolish for WWE to simply give up on the Sandow character considering how much potential it has and how talented a performer he is.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.