7 WWE Careers That Are At A Dead End

4. Kofi Kingston

When it comes to characters being stagnant, nobody can top Kofi Kingston. He's been doing the same "boom boom boom" happy go lucky babyface gimmick since he started in WWE. The only changes he's made over the years is he's gone from having a fake Jamaican accent to talking like he normally does. He's been stuck in the midcard where he's won multiple titles (ten of them) while never looking like he is able to get to that next level. It's something that we say all the time because it's a reality. Not everybody can be a main eventer. WWE needs role players and that's what Kingston is. He's a bench player on an NBA team or a backup defender on a soccer/football team that puts him in when they need to defend a lead. There is a role for a guy like that, but he's not the one people are spending money to watch either. Kingston is 32 years old, so he's still in the prime of his career. He's also at the point where WWE is going to want to push others ahead of him like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro and guys like that because they're newer. They don't have the stain of being stuck in midcard purgatory for six years like Kingston. Perhaps it's time for Kingston to adopt a new attitude whether that means a heel turn or simply ditching the same act he's been doing all these years. It's not a question of talent. He has that. It's a matter of tapping into his untapped potential and utilizing him the right way.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.